client: Lismore Castle Arts
date: May 2008
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv, the Netherlands
binding: "yet to be credited", the Netherlands
run: 1,000 copies numbered
size: 165 x 210mm portrait
extent: 56pg. self-cover
ISBN: 0 9551224 3 0
ISBN: 978 0 9551224 3 9
56pg. divided into:
4 x 12pg. sections as follows:
(A) 4 pg. printed 4 colour process 2 sides on 135grs Splendorlux (uncoated side faces out) wrapping around
(B) 4 pg. printed 4 colour process 2 sides on 140grs Pergamenata luxor bianco wrapping around
C) 4 pg. printed 4 colour process 2 sides on 120grs Biokraft then
(A) 4 pg. printed 4 colour process 2 sides on 135grs Splendorlux wrapping around (B)4 pg. printed 4 colour process 2 sides on 140grs Pergamenata Luxor bianco
thread sewn in sections, self-cover
cold-melt glued
emboss on page 1 (stamp size 115 x 110mm)
each 4pg. within a section trimmed to a different width
A = 165 X 210mm
B = 160 X 210mm
C = 162.5 X 210mm
Curated by Richard Cork.
Artists: Kate Atkin, Matt Calderwood, Roger Hiorns, Rosalind Nashashibi & Lucy Skaer, Eva Rothschild, Conrad Shawcross, Daniel Silver, Kate Terry
dustjacket flat size 535 x 240 mm (book page size 156 x 234 mm) portrait
jacket to view is 240 x 160 mm
printed 4/0 and matt-laminate
client: Four Courts Press
date: 2012
printing: unknown
binding: inhouse
run: unknown
size: 156 x 234 mm portrait
extent: 8pg. dustjacket
ISBN: 978 1 84682 313 8
Machinations exhibition and workshop & children’s season
date: 2003
run: unknown
leaflet: A3 folding to A4 leaflet printed 1/1 (not common) onto Logic 700
insert: A5 printing 1/1
label sheet: A5 printing 4/0 onto Raflatac gloss
printer: Impress Printing Works, Dublin
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 1997
printing: Nicholson & Bass, Belfast
binding: uncredited
run: 1,500
size: 138.5 x 210 mm portrait
extent: 192pg. + covers
cover printed 1 colour 2 sides (not common).
Inside printed in 12 x 16pg. sections 1 colour throughout (1 section 2 colour) onto uncoated stock
ISBN 0907660584
The bread and butter stone was the first thematically lead publication we made with director John Hutchinson. It contains a number of fragmentary texts, followed by a sequence of images from each of the shows from the previous 5 year period. This is then followed by artist projects by a number of contributors including Christine and Irene Hohenbuchler, Annette Messager, and Richard Tuttle. Editor/text: John Hutchinson
This book is featured in:
Emigre 45
Emigre 70
Idea issue 314
All messed up: Unpredictable graphics
The typographic experiment
Make ready
client: Irish Museum of Modern Art
date: July 2006
printing : Drukkerij Rosbeek bv, the Netherlands
binding: not credited
run 1,000
size: 215 x 270mm portrait
extent: 72pg. + endpapers + covers + dust-jacket
ISBN: 1 903811 61 9
dustjacket 4 pages printed 4/0 onto 100grs Arctic the Matt
72 pages divided into:
16 pg. printed 1/1 onto 115grs Munken Lynx
48 pg. printed 4/4 onto 150grs Arctic the Matt
8 pg. printed 1/1 onto 115grs Munken Lynx
2 x 4pg. unprinted 115grs Munken Lynx
hard cover bound, square spine, head and tail bands
cold-melt glued
client: Irish Museum of Modern Art / BOZAR books
date: 2013
printing: MM Artbook printing & repro,
the Netherlands
binding: not credited
run: 1,000 copies
size: 168mm x 240mm portrait
extent: 164pg. + 8 page covers
ISBN: 978-1-907020-96-4
pp.1-12 onto 135grs Cyclus offset
pp.13-164 printed 4/4 onto 150grs Furioso
binding: softcover, thread sewn, cold glue
Changing States: Contemporary Irish Art & Francis Bacon's Studio presents the work of 20 contemporary Irish artists who have made significant contributions to contemporary art practice. An exhibition of items from the studio of Francis Bacon provides an in-depth picture of art-making by one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, whose subject matter and existential concerns are highly regarded by younger generations of artists working in all media. The exhibition draws on the impressive collections of Ireland's two leading institutions of modern and contemporary art, the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) and Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane.
client: Circa art magazine
date: 2005-09
initial runs (issue 114 - ):
printed 4/4 onto 250grs Arctic the Volume
printed 4/4 onto 115grs Arctic the Volume
later versions (issues 126-129)
printed 4/4 onto 250grs Hanno Matt
112 pg. printed 4/4 onto 150grs Hanno Matt
thread sewn in sections with covers drawn on
run: c.2,000
size: 210 x 255 mm portrait
printing : W&G Baird, Graham & Heslip
ISSN 0263-9475
publisher: Temporary Release
date: 1995
printing: Impress printing works, Dublin
run: unknown
size: 254 x 254 mm (10" x 10")
extent: 40pg. self-cover magazine + custom-made sleeve
cover printed black + Pantone metallic, inside printed black on uncoated stock
sleeve printed Pantone metallic and matt sealer varnish
publisher: Temporary Release
date: 1996
printing: Impress printing works, Dublin
run: unknown (3,000?)
size: 254 x 254 mm (10" x 10")
extent: 52pg. self-cover magazine + custom-made sleeve
covers printed black and Pantone metallic, inside printed PMS black onto Huntsman Ivory) sleeve printed Pantone metallic and matt sealer varnish
Outside Visual Art
curated by Aileen Corkery
publisher: Temple Bar Properties, Dublin
date: 2002
size: 150 x 180mm portrait
extent: 32pg. + covers
cover: printing 4/0 onto textured coated board c.200grs
inside: printed 4/4 onto 2-sided paper (gloss/uncoated, sequenced as gloss, uncoated, uncoated, gloss…)
binding: perfect bound
printer: Drukkerij Rosbeek, The Netherlands
typeface: Foundry Gridnik
ECHO, Alison Wilding
27 April – 31 May 1996
leaflet printed in black ink onto 60grs Bank
Crios, Christine and Irene
Hohenbüchler with Project
Interact, 15 March – 20 April 1996,
leaflet printed in black ink onto Cyclus offset;
invitation one Pantone colour onto Simulator transparent
Fragments sur les Institutions
Républicaines IV,
Shane Cullen, 9 August – 21 September 1996,
leaflet printed one Pantone colour onto newsprint;
invitation printed on strawboard.
Residue (Fionnuala Ní Chiosáin, Dorothy Cross, Mark Francis, Siobhán Hapaska, Nicholas May, Stephen McKenna, Willie
McKeown, Kathy Prendergast, Paul Seawright, Seán Shanahan),
22 August – 27 September 1997,
leaflet printed black and Pantone ‘gold’ onto 70grs offset;
invitation printed onto 290μ ‘one-sided’ cover board.
Below, photos of exhibition leaflets for John Murphy, Lili Dujourie, Louise Bourgeois, Outside (curated by Annie Fletcher), Scream and Scream again, Film in Art, Richard Tuttle, Residue, Paul Mosse, Joseph Grigely, Shane Cullen, Alison Wilding, Christine & Irene Hohenbüchler, Pieter Laurens Mol, Keith Edmier, Annelies Strba, Felix Gonzales-Torres. All curated by John Hutchinson unless otherwise stated.
210 x 297 mm portrait
80pg. + soft covers
covers printed CMYK;
inside black with eight pages CMYK
203 x 254 mm (10" x 8")
48pg. + soft covers
covers printed in one Pantone
ink; inside printed in four
12pg. sections each printed in
a unique Pantone colour
cover image Isabelle Huppert
(Rien ne va plus)
A temporary release
Selected printed material I designed in collaboration with David Donohoe as Image text sound for eX early music ensemble.
concert programme
printed 1/1 (black)
594 x 420 folding to 297 x 420mm (A3 portrait)
concert programme
printed 1/1 (black)
297 x 420mm (A3) folding to 148.5 x 420mm portrait
The rape of the lock
concert programme
printed 1/1 (PMS)
594 x 420 folding to 297 x 420mm (A3 portrait)
printing: Impress Printing Works, Dublin
Outside Visual Art
publisher: Temple Bar Properties, Dublin
curated by Aileen Corkery
date: 2002
extent: 16pg. + covers
size: 150 x 180mm portrait
cover printing 4/0 onto uncoated off-white board c.250grs Freelife Cento
inside printed 4/4 onto c.130grs Freelife Cento
binding: saddle stitched
printer: Drukkerij Rosbeek, The Netherlands
typeface: Foundry Gridnik
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 1996
extent: 8 page book + 6 page gatefold cover and postcard
run: 500 copies
size: ________
cover: printing 1/1 (PMS) onto 6 sheet pulp board (c.290 grs)
bookblock: printing 1/1 black onto 60grs bank
postcard: 148.5 x 210mm printing 1/0 (K) onto 1 -sided cover board (c.290grs)
finishing: bookblock saddle stitched, inserted with postcard into folder cover. packaged in strip-seal plastic bag.
printing: Impress Printing Works, Dublin
The artwork for the folder cover was a digital composite of photos (by Declan Barnes) of the panels, and a hand-made cut-up/assemblage of layered lithographic film.
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 2006
printing : Drukkerij Rosbeek bv,
the Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 600 mechanically numbered
size: 160 mm x 235 mm
extent: 72pg. + endpapers + covers
72 pg. divided into
8pg. printed 4/4 onto 150grs Gardapat then
32pg. printed 2/2 (black + metallic duotones with FM screens )
onto 150grs Gardapat
32pg. printed 4/4 onto 150grs Gardapat
1/0 (metallic) double strike + matt sealer onto 130grs Constellation Snow (E/E33 Raster)
double strike + matt sealer onto 130grs Constellation Snow
(E/E33 Raster)
front: 3 colours double strike, back 2/1 double strike
hard cover bound in half-linen (Brillianta 4043), square spine
gold foil block on spine
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 2002
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv,
the Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 540 copies unnumbered
size: 138.5 x 210mm portrait
extent: 32pg. + endpapers + covers
Hardcover bound in linen (Brillianta blue 4087) embossed on front and spine
32pg. divided into:
4pg. printed 2/2 (black + PMS 404) onto 135grs Editor 130 then
2pg. unprinted 100grs Chromatica interleaf then
8pg. printed 1/1 onto 95grs Peppart then
2pg. unprinted 100grs Chromatica interleaf then
16pg. printed 2/2 (black + PMS 404) onto 135grs Editor 130
unprinted Obsession
hardcover bound in Brillianta linen
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 1998
printing: Total Print, Dublin
binding: uncredited
run: 500
size: X x X mm portrait
extent: 32pg. + covers + dustjacket
printed 1/0 PMS (on the reverse)
printed 1/0 PMS onto uncoated board
printed 1/1 (PMS) + 4/4 onto coated stock
back cover photograph: Marie-Pierre Richard
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 2005
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv,
the Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 500
size: 138.5 x 210mm portrait
extent: 124pg. + endpapers + covers
Hardcover bound in linen (Brillianta blue 4086) embossed on front and spine
cover image printed 4/0 onto 115grs Arctic the Volume tipped in
124 pages divided into:
16pg. printed 4/4 onto 115grs Splendorgel
4pg. printed 4/4 onto 135grs JobArt Parilux gloss
16pg. printed 4/4 onto 65grs Rijnbank
64pg. printed 4/4 onto 115grs Arctic the Volume
4pg. unprinted 80grs Fastprint diepblauw
20pg. printed 1/1 onto 130grs Bioset
front: printed 4/0 onto 115grs Splendorgel
back: printed 4/0 onto 115grs Arctic the Volume
Hardcover bound in linen, square spine, head and tailbands
client: i-and-e, Dublin
date: 2006
printing: Impress Printing Works, Dublin
photography: Peter Maybury
improvised music festival poster/programme,
A3 printed 2/2 (PMS)
i-and-e festival
client: i-and-e, Dublin
date: 2008
printing: Impress Printing Works, Dublin
design: Peter Maybury, David Donohoe
photography: Peter Maybury
improvised music festival poster/programme,
A2 printed 1/1 (PMS)
A3 posterdigital printed
i-and-e present
Chip shop music / Toshimaru Nakamura
The Ireland Institute, 23 October 2009
as part of the DEAF festival 2009
client: Lismore Castle Arts
date: 2005
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv, mthe Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 750 copies numbered
size: 165 mm x 210 mm portrait
extent: 36pg. + covers + dustjacket
36pg. printed 4/4 onto 120grs Rives design
unprinted 120grs Rives design
4 pg. unprinted 120grs Rives design
printed 2/1 onto 60gsm Reprobank. Unfolded 690 x 390mm folded on long side to 210 x 690mm
hardcover bound in half linen (12mm front and back) and half paper, square spine, trimmed through the board on three sides
This was the first book we produced for Lismore Castle Arts for the inaugural show curated by Aileen Corkery, and featuring artists Matthew Barney, Richard Billingham, Gerard Byrne, Michael Craig-Martin, Dorothy Cross, Barry Flanagan, and Richard Long.
The dustjacket is a japanese fold, printed on the inside of the sheet only and folding back on itself. The 'show-through' from the printed side reveals the front cover title. The inner paper - Rives design has a strong geometric pattern throughout it which has a distinctive effect on the images and a rich tactility. Cover photo: Peter Maybury.
Invisible: Open and invited exhibition 2010
client: Black Church Print Studio
date: 2010
extent: A3 folding to A5 printed 2/2 (K + PMS) onto uncoated stock.
printing: Impress Printing Works, Dublin
curated by: Oliver Dowling, John Graham, Margaret O’Brien
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 2010
printing : Lecturis
binding: unknown
run: 500
size: 138.5 x 210mm portrait
extent: 32pg. + endpapers + covers
ISBN: 978 1 905397 XX X
inside 32pg. printed 2/2 Novaspace black and PMS 425 onto 135grs Tatami natural ivory
1/1 PMS 7542 150grs Munken Lynx
blind embossed onto Brillianta 4043
binding :
thread sewn 4 x 8pg.
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
date: 2001
printing : Drukkerij Rosbeek bv,
the Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 500 unnumbered
size 170 mm x 230 mm
extent: 32pg. + endpapers + covers
16pg. printed 4/4 onto 150grs Arctic The Extreme
16pg. printed 1/1 onto 150grs Arctic The Extreme
unprinted obsession (front magenta, back green)
gloss silk-screen black on front onto 1475grs Eska opdikkend greyboard
hardcover with linen cap spine and endpapers glued in
client: Garrett Phelan
date: 2004
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv,
the Netherlands
binding: not credited
run: 500 copies
size: 170 x 240mm
extent: 148pg. + endpapers + covers
ISBN 0 954 4241 1 5
silkscreen printed 1/0 (PMS 275 gloss)
onto 1500grs Kregraphic grijsbord
135grs Duocorn (unprinted)
148 pages divided into:
16pg. printed 4/4 onto 150grs Job Parilux brilliant gloss
4 x 16pg. printed 1/1 (black) onto 115grs Munken Lynx
4pg. printed 1/0 onto 90grs Attencio wrapping around
16pg. printed 1/1 (black) onto 65grs Rynbank
(fluorescent, printed side showing on the outside of this section)
16pg. printed 4/4 onto 135grs Provolumen
16pg. printed 1/1 (black) onto 115grs Munken Lynx
16pg. printed 1/1 (black) onto 90grs Da Costa 200
Hard cover bound in half linen cover, square spine, head and tail bands
Master Musicians of Joujouka
The Garage, London
offset litho printed 2/0 onto coated stock
date unknown
printer, UK, unknown
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 2007
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv
binding: uncredited
run: 500
size: 138.5 x 210mm portrait
extent: 32pg. + endpapers + covers
Hardcover bound in paper printed 1 PMS
embossed on front, linen cap spine
32 pages printed 4/4
printed 1/1 (not common) double strike
hardcover bound, square spine
A3 digital-printed poster for Bilge Pump/yXimalloo/Thread Pulls
Transformer, Dublin
promoted by Maximum Joy
publisher: haus, Dublin
date: 2001
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv,
the Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 999 unnumbered + 88 copies run on (1,087 copies total)
size 190 mm x 200 mm
extent: 96pg. + covers
ISBN: 0-9540242-20-4
6 x 12pg. sections printed 4/4 on 130grs Munken Lynx
1 x 12 pg. section printed 2/2 (black + 8383 [metallic gold]) onto 130grs Munken Lynx
thread sewn and cold-melt glued in sections (no cover) + slipcase
printed 4/1 CMY+ Novaspace K, (double strike Pantone inside) onto 500grs grijsbord
client: Varvara Shavrova
date: 2014
printing: Impress printing works, Dublin
binding: uncredited
run: 1,500
extent: 420 x 720 mm folding to 32pg. 210 x 90 mm
32pg. leaflet/poster
420 x 720 mm
trimmed and folded to 210 x 720 mm then
concertina folding to 210 x 90 mm
printed 4/4 CMYK onto 120grs Munken Lynx
publication to accompany Varvara Shavrova THE OPERA
timelapse projection and sound installation
Across Chinese Cities – Beijing/ Dashilar, an official collateral exhibition at the Arsenale, 14th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia / 'Fundamentals'
7 June – 23 November 2014
text: Seán Kissane
translated by Tiedong Yang
client: Irish Museum of Modern Art
date: 2006
printing: Impress Printing Works, Dublin
binding: uncredited
run: 1,000 copies
size: unknown
ISBN 1 903811 59 7
4 pages printed 2/5 on to one-sided cover board (coated side outwards)
24pg. pages printed 4/5 onto Cyclus offset
saddle stitched
client: Jeanette Doyle
date: 2005
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv,
the Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 500 Copies
size: 170 mm x 220 mm portrait
extent: 64pg. + covers
64pg. divided into:
16pg. printed 4/4 (Novaspace inks) onto 115grs Gardapat Kiara
16pg. printed 2/2 onto 80grs Munken Print 15
16pg. printed 4/4 (Novaspace inks) onto 115grs Gardapat Kiara
16pg. printed 4/4 onto 120grs Chromolux 700
printed 1/0 (Novaspace black) + spot gloss varnish onto 200grs Gardapat Kiara
thread sewn with covers drawn-on, cold melt glued
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 2001
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv, the Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 540 copies unnumbered
size: 138.5 x 210mm portrait
extent: 172pg. + endpapers + covers
ISBN 0-907660-75-4
Hardcover bound in linen (black and grey editions) blind embossed on front and spine, white foil on spine
front: unprinted obsession
back: unprinted 135grs Duocorn
172 pages divided into:
8pg. printed 1/1 (Novaspace black) onto 135grs Editor 130
8pg. printed 1/1 (PMS 433) onto 140grs Polyart
8pg. printed 1/1 (PMS 425) onto 90grs IDEM CF 90 OCR
wrapping around
4pg. unprinted 40grs pergamyn
8pg. printed 1/1 (PMS 423) onto 70grs Bedalitho
80pg. printed 4/4 onto 135grs Editor 130
8pg. unprinted 140grs Polyart
16pg. unprinted 90grs IDEM CF 90 OCR
32pg. unprinted 70grs Bedalitho
Hardcover bound in linen, square spine, head and tailbands
PATMOS was the follow-on to The bread and butter stone, in that it was thematically lead, and contained works from each of the shows from the previous 5 year period.
The book begins with a series of short texts which shift in mood from darkness to light from despair to enlightenment. This theme is reflected in the sequentially varying paper stocks and inks - the papers become progressively lighter and whiter, the inks move from intense black to the palest grey.
This sequence is followed by a section of reproductions before the sequence of paper transitions is repeated, this time entirely blank.
editor / text : John Hutchinson
includes works by : Felix Gonzales-Torres, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Luc Tuymans, and Marie-Pierre Richard
Pel.lícules Irlandeses recents de la col.lecció IMMA
Recent Irish films from the IMMA collection
date: 2008
publisher: Fundació Joan Miró/ Irish Museum of Modern Art
ISBN 978 1 903811 86 3
245 x 345mm portrait
16pg. self-cover printer 4/4 onto 135grs Cyclus Print
saddle-stitched with copper wire
printing: Impress Printing Works, Dublin
Trilingual publication featuring works by: Orla Barry, Cecily Brennan, Willie Doherty, Paddy Jolley, Clare Langan, Grace Weir
Published on the occasion of Recent Irish Films from the IMMA collection, 7–17 May 2008
client: Gormley Fine Art
date : September 2008
printing: MM Artbook printing & repro (credited 1455)
binding: Binderij Van Waarden,
the Netherlands run: 500 copies
size: 254 mm x 254 mm portrait
ISBN 978 1 906872 01 4
4 page cover printed 4/4 + 1/1 matt varnish onto 250grs Arctic Volume
24 pages printed 4/4 CMYK + 1/1 mat varnish onto 150grs Arctic Volume
binding: cahier bound
258 X 258 mm
printed 2/1 (black double strike) + 1/1 matt varnish onto 350grs Trucard (1 sided cover board) ; laser-cut on front
This publication is modelled on a 10" record cover. Amongst the works from this exhibition are two pieces – one with a black background and one with a white background, the works are otherwise identical. 289 unique holes are laser cut through the black printed outer sleeve, beneath which can be seen the gold lozenges of the white painting on the front cover of the catalogue.
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date : 2002
printing : Drukkerij Rosbeek bv, the Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 500 copies unnumbered
size: 138.5 x 210mm portrait
extent: 32pg. + endpapers + covers
text embossed on front cover
total 40pg. (10 x 4) Japanese fold
16pg. printed 4/4 onto 130grs Arctic the Volume
4pg. printed 1/1 onto 130grs Arctic the Volume
unprinted 145grs Butterfly
Hardcover bound in linen cloth (Brillianta 4045)
A3 folding to A5 leaflet
printed 4/4 onto coated stock
printing: Impress Printing Works, Dublin
presented by the Irish Museum of Modern Art in association with Forma; Note Productions and the Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival.
Various documents and items produced for print, screen and exhibition for the School of Architecture, University of Limerick (SAUL)
client: The Douglas Hyde Gallery
date: 1999
printing: Calff & Meischke, Amsterdam
binding: uncredited
run: 500
size: 160 x 210 mm portrait
extent: 8pg. self-cover
printed 4/4 throughout onto Provolumen. Singer-sewn in the spine
date: 1999
publisher: Orchard Gallery, Derry
extent: 32pg. + 8pg. cover
run: 500 copies
inside: printed 4/4 onto coated stock
cover: printed 1 (PMS)/4 onto strawboard
printer: (via) Manley Communications
client: slow architectural research collective
date: 2011
printing: MM artbook printing & repro
binding: uncredited
run: 300
size: 160 x 220 mm portrait
extent: 56pg. + 16pg. covers
16 page dustjacket onto 115grs Munken Pure
open size 645 x 440 mm, folded to 645 mm x 220, folded to 8 page dustjacket
printed 1/1 (black)
48 pages printed 1/1 onto 115grs revive Print
8 pages printed 1/1 onto 80grs Munken Pure
swiss bound, thread sewn, cloth on spine and cm on front and back
cover loose from bookblock
client: Irish Museum of Modern Art
date: 2012
printing: Impress Printing works, Dublin
run: 300
size: 215 x 255 mm portrait
ISBN 978 1 907020 90 2
24pg. self cover
cover printing 2/1 (PMS5507 + K), inside printing 1/1
onto 120grs uncoated
saddle-stitched with copper wire
Text by Christine Mackey
client: Institute for Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz
date: December 2010
printing: MM artbook printing & repro
binding: Binderij Van Waarden, the Netherlands (they are great!)
run: 500
size: 150 x 240 mm portrait (book block)
extent: 64pg. + endpapers + covers
printed 4/0 + sealer varnish onto 130grs Munken Pure
endpapers 2 x 4 pages
front: 1/1 onto 115grs Gardapat Kiara
back: 4/1 onto 115grs Gardapat Kiara
56 pages divided into:
32 pages ( 2 x 16 pages ) onto 80grs Bioset
printed 1/1 black Novaspace 2010
24 pages ( 1 x 16 pages + 1 x 8 pages ) onto 130grs Bioset
printed 4/4 CMYK ( CMY Novaboard + K Novaspace 2010 )
case bound, thread sewn, square spine, head and tailbands cover foil blocked with deep impression
Martijn Tjassens Keiser (cover), Vesna Lennart, Brendan Money, Cliodhna Rice, Goswin Schwendinger, Elizabeth Shotton, May D. Sørensen, Machiel Spaan
Brendan Money, Elizabeth Shotton
Institute for Architecture and Planning,
University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz
School of Architecture, Landscape & Civil Engineering,
University College Dublin, Dublin
Academy of Architecture,
Amsterdam School of Arts, Amsterdam
Department of Architectural Design, History and Technology,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
School of Architecture,
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen
Faculty of Architecture,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana
ETS Arquitectura del Vallès,
Technical University of Catalunya, Catalunya
University of Liechtenstein
University College Dublin
client: Lismore Castle Arts
date: July 2007
printing: Drukkerij Rosbeek bv,
the Netherlands
binding: Callenbach, the Netherlands
run: 750 copies numbered
size: 165 x 210mm portrait
extent: 56pg. + endpapers + covers
3/4 linen cover with 135grs JobArt gloss printed 4/0 and tipped in to back board
56 pages printed 4/4 onto 135grs Gardapat
printed 4/4 onto 130grs Munken Lynx
case bound in 3/4 linen cover with paper on the back board, 2mm board, square spine
For Titled/Untitled I visited the castle and photographed the courtyards and buildings of the exhibition space, and these photos run throughout the book. I invited Ronan McCrea to make the installation photographs. This project also included the design of posters, flyers and invitations.
date: 1999
publisher: The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
size: 160 x 210mm portrait
extent: 12pg. self-cover
printing: 4/4 throughout onto Provolumen
binding: cahier bound
printer: Calff & Meischke, Amsterdam
client: Sunday Tribune
date: 1996
printing: in-house
run: 10,000
size: 270 x 343 mm portrait
extent: 24pg. self-cover
supplement to Sunday Tribune newspaper,
Sunday 8 December 1996
printed in 4/4 web offset
edited by Paul McCarroll.
design and photography: Peter Maybury
with thanks to Neil McIvor!.
The archive is made up of both earlier print examples and more recent small to medium scale projects.
publisher: The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
date: 1999
ISBN: 0-907660-67-3
extent: 48pg. self-cover, printed in black + five Pantone inks onto Coated Stock
printer: Total Print and Design, Dublin
Group exhibition curated by John Hutchinson.
Contributing artists: Enda Bowe, Gerard Byrne, Blaise Drummond, Brendan Grant, Katie Holten, Paddy Jolley, Alan Lambert, Clare Langan, Peter Maybury, Ronan McCrea, Maurice O’Connell, Marie-Pierre Richard, Eva Rothschild, Orla Ryan, Andrew Vickery, Walker & Walker, Grace Weir
Features in Make Ready (2015:2)
client: Irish Museum of Modern Art
date: 2005
printing: Rosbeek bv, the Netherlands
binding: uncredited
run: 1,000 copies.
size: 210 x 260 mm portrait
4 pages printed 2/0 on to 115grs gardapat (FM screen)
56pg. pages printed 2/2 onto 135grs Gardapat (FM screened duotones)
88pg. pages printed 4/4 onto 135grs Gardapat
24pg. pages printed 2/2 onto 115grs Munken lynx
front: unprinted! 100grs Havanna nubes
back: printed 1 colour 2 sides onto 200grs Havanna moho with flap for CD,
CD printed 2 PMS colours
hardcover bound with paper (2.5mm grijsbord), square spine, trimmed to size through the board and top and bottom, foil blocked on front
Logo and signage for a bar in Brussels in the 90s some time. Commissioned by Patsy McCaughey. Can’t remember anything else about it.