David Donohoe, Peter Maybury, Marie-Pierre Richard
single channel video with stereo sound
duration: 1:07:08
As much about forgetting as remembering maps out a feature film to produce a new film comprised solely of text on a black screen in the universal sub-titled format. David, Marie-Pierre and I view the original scene by scene and then write a collective descriptive memory, focussing on the details surrounding the events, while excluding all dialogue and narrative elements. There is some disagreement and much uncertainty, and this is included in the resultant text. The subject of the new film is all that goes unnoticed as we choose to filter our environment in pursuit of daily activities, and the mediated narrative of received information. As a reference to La Jetée, where one momentary moving-image sequence is inserted in a film constructed from still images, there is one instance of sound in this otherwise silent film.