p.128 Make Ready Peter Maybury ISBN 978 0 9566293 3 3, Gall editions, 2015
“With live music in a room, the transfer of energy is immediate. Everything is integrated: the performers and their instruments (the emitters), the PA, the architecture of the room shaping how light and sound travel within it (the carriers), and the audience that absorbs sound physically, intellectually and emotionally (the receivers). Walls and surfaces vibrate. We feel sound in our chest, recognise as music the vibrations in our ears. It carries great emotion.Recordings of all kinds exist as a sequence of capture, storage and release. The content is gathered and arranged, is charged or amplified through the physicality of the medium. Ink on paper, light emitting from a screen, speaker cones pushing air, an object in space later releases this delayed experience. In the process there is conversion, and some loss, and of course our perceptions will change over time.”
Incubate festival, Tilburg, NL, 10-16 September 2012