Tape Transcripts, 2010, photo-lithographic print
“InstrumentMy father was an (amateur) composer in the Romantic tradition. Incommon with many composers, his playing abilities didn’t always matchhis compositional ambitions. Transcribed as sheet music, interpretationsby various accomplished musicians failed to accurately communicatewhat he had in mind. Perhaps this was a failure of the scores.This print is a verbatim transcription of all the words andutterances he made while recording -his- interpretations. As is the casewith most contemporary recorded music, while the resultant, postproducedartifact emanates a seamless ease, the recordings are in fact acomposite of several parts. These utterances – incomplete, inarticulate,even confused-sounding – reveal the uphill struggle for perfection.”
p.91 Make Ready Peter Maybury ISBN 978 0 9566293 3 3, Gall editions, 2015